
Honest review of the PS5.

The PlayStation 5 has been out for 5 months now. Most of us have had to struggle to get one. I have enjoyed playing the game station for the few days I’ve had it, however, just like many other things out there, it is not without fault. Its normal to expect bugs and glitches in new systems and hardware, but many things about the PlayStation 5 make it unbearable and difficult to enjoy.

The first issue with the PlayStation 5 is the memory capacity. Most standard PlayStation 5’s come with 845 gigabytes of memory. Most people would think that having nearly a full TB memory would give them an opportunity to download many games and enjoy many hours of entertainment. I have downloaded three different games I have lost all memory on the device. For me to properly play the game station, I need to remove two games just to be able to play one. The PlayStation also has another storage feature that, for some ungodly reason, manages to take up over 200 gigabytes of memory. The memory in the game station gets wasted in a matter of minutes and you might be lucky to only be able to play one game at a time. The easiest solution for this is to get an external hard drive and connect it to the game station. This way, you will be able to download the games to your hard drive and play right off them. Just like everything else, this is a temporary solution to permanent and ongoing problem of wasted memory.

The next issue is that the console crashes way too frequently. The connection on the console is not always the greatest to the host and as a result, your games freeze out or they shut down. The PlayStation network is working on improving the quality of gaming for all people. Every time that crash does occur, the PlayStation network requests that you sent it in so that they can adjust. This goes back to the first issue of memory. For the PlayStation to work properly, you would need to have system updates and that would result in memory loss. Since the game station is not even a half year old, there are still a lot of improvements left to be made. Only time will tell how long it will be before the game station will function perfectly and people can enjoy good quality of gaming.

Despite these major shortcomings, there are still solutions to the problems. As I described earlier, the PS5 has external memory capabilities which allow individuals to play games from an external hard drive. The external hard drive is a temporary solution to a permanent problem, but it is a solution, nonetheless. All game stations do go through regular software updates and in turn will make the gaming experience better. All in all, I am enjoying the quality of gaming I have been able to receive thus far.

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